Thanks for stopping by the online home of Your Network of Praise, a non-denominational Christian Radio ministry which operate 60+ radio facilities in the northwestern US, two missionary radio stations in the Republic of Tanzania, one in Liberia, 2 satellite networks in Africa, and more!
FriendRaiser 2025
I Thank God!
Thanks to everyone who joined us during FriendRaiser!
The generosity of YNOP listeners was a tremendous blessing as 3 vitally important financial goals were fully funded!
During the Day of Hope YNOP listeners provided $25,000 to Kioo Radio in Liberia to be used for construction of a new Christian FM station to broadcast in the Kisi language! Then, additional funds were provided to pay for 500 Galcom Compass Solar-Powered Radio / MP3 players tuned to the Kioo Radio channel, and containg the Bible and other audio resources.
And, by the end of the FriendRaiser the goal of $400,000 was met & exceeded!
All of us at YNOP truly thank God for the work He has given us to do, and the wonderful partnership we have with YNOP listeners to get it done!
​We have much more to do...you can make your gift to FriendRaiser 2025 by clicking "Join FriendRaiser" above!
Throughout the FriendRaiser we will also be inviting you
to let us know what YOU thank God for this year!
You can let us know what YOU are thanking God for
this year by clicking on the button above!​

FriendRaiser 2025 Day of Hope Project:
Kioo Radio - Liberia / Sierra Leone / Guinea
Thanks to everyone who joined us in advancing the work of Kioo Radio 98.1FM in Liberia during our Day of Hope on March 17! Kioo Radio will reach significant numbers of people in regions of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea!
Kioo Radio will air programs in Kissi and other languages.
This radio station has been the dream of YNOP's Africa Director, Joseph Kebbie,
since 2006 and it is soon to become a reality!
Groundbreaking took place on December 24, 2024, with His Excellency President
Joseph Boakai personally presiding!
The Liberian government has issued the broadcasting license, and the Kioo Radio
project has received a grant of $25,000 to begin construction. During the
Day of Hope, YNOP listeners matched this with another $25,000 so the station can go forward and begin its powerful ministry to this region of Africa!
And, with the support of generous underwriting from Galcom International, YNOP listeners made it possible for 500 solar Radio / MP3 players to enable people in remote regions to be able to listen to the station and to have access to the Bible in the Kissi language!
Thanks to everyone who was part of this very special Day of Hope!

YNOP Solar Radio / MP3 Distribution in Taru area, Kwale County, Kenya
Thanks to YNOP listeners, our friends at Guidelines International, Galcom Internaional, and Lulu FM in Kenya, many people are hearing the word of God and able to listen to Christian radio for the first time ever!
Take a minute to watch this video of this distribution which recently took place in the Taru area of Kwale County in Kenya!
Arabic Teaching is Now
on RadioAfrica.fm
YNOP launched the RadioAfrica.fm Podcast Network in August, 2023, to enable more and more people to have access to the Word of God in various African languages. Initially, we offered programs in Swahili, French, Fulani, and English.
Since its launch, people from 38 nations around the world have streamed & downloaded programs, and on July 24th we added our EIGHTH language...ARABIC!
Please pray for our team as they are working on plans to use social media advertising to promote the ministry of RadioAfrica.fm, and to identify the next two languages needed most as we hope to be providing the Bible and teaching in TEN LANGUAGES by the end of 2024!
PRAY that God will continue to draw people to RadioAfrica.fm!

Dr. David Jeremiah
What to do Until Christ Returns
1) REFUSE to neglect the local church
2) RESPOND to life spiritually
3) RELATE to one another in love
4) REFRAIN from judging others
5) RECOMMIT yourself to ministry
6) REACH the lost
7) REMAIN steadfast
8) RENOUNCE sin in your life
9) REMEMBER the Lord's table
10) RESTORE the bereaved